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Exchange Rate Display Board

Exchange Rate Display Board

NRs. 100000 / Unit
Minimum Order: 1 Unit
Easy-Q Display Solutions also includes displays like Exchange Rate Displays and Interest Rate Displays. They can be in any size or color with a personal branding with your company logo. The
Lalitpur, Nepal
Online Response Rate: 33.33%
Video Overlays

Video Overlays

NRs. 100000 / Unit
Minimum Order: 1 Unit
Video Overlays are an optional feature that the PC-QMS can have. It's a hardware and software solution that enables the organization to deliver the Queue information and promotional material
Lalitpur, Nepal
Online Response Rate: 33.33%
CS-T1500 Touch screen monitor

CS-T1500 Touch screen monitor

US$ 125 / Piece
Minimum Order: 1 Piece
CS-T1500R 15inch 1024*768 multi-point touch screen monitor,POS ps,all in one pc . touch screen monitor,all in one PC,pos system,monitor stand etc. capacitive or resistive in 7,12,15,15
Huizhou, China
Online Response Rate: 0%
Pages: 1

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